Wednesday 23 November 2011

Personal Influences

My interest in film has always been apparent but as I have grown older my interest has slowly become a passion which I hope will one day be career.

Personally my favourite film is David Fincher’s “Fight Club”, this is due to the fact that it was the first film that I found which engaged me enough to motivate me to rewatch numerous times and to actually read deeper into the storyline and messages that the film was trying to portray. Despite watching the film countless times I still find myself able to watch the film occasionally and be just as interested and entertained as I was the first time.

My favourite director is David Fincher due to the fact that he has directed some of my favourite films such as “Fight Club”, “The Social Network” and “Se7en”, I also really enjoy the style of his Direction.

In regards to a favourite scene I would have to say the lobby shootout scene in The Wachowski brother’s “The Matrix”. I find myself captivated by every element of this scene from the sound design to the choreography and in its entirety the scene is in my opinion iconic.

I want to complete this course to gain a much deeper insight into the art of producing films, I also hope to improve my abilities in all areas of production to give me the best chance of achieving my goal of becoming a professional editor.